Change Management

Digital transformation requires change.
Manage it with confidence.

Change Management is an integrated and mandatory process for all teams managing customer and internal infrastructure. The process is the mainstay of a controlled environment. A Change Advisory Board (CAB) comprised of all stakeholders meets at regular pre-defined intervals to discuss, approve, authorize and review change requests. A dedicated Change Manager is spearheading the CAB and has the final authority in the Go-Ahead. The Change Manager is separate from other Operations management roles to guarantee appropriate segregation of duty and impartiality.

Our Change management process is also suitable to support waterfall and agile projects as well as DevOps teams. DevOps change management is facilitated by maintaining proper release pipelines through segregated platforms.

What are the benefits?

Improved efficiency: Tomcat Orange helps organizations to identify areas where improvements can be made and implement changes that increase efficiency and productivity.
Better alignment with goals: Our focus is to align processes and systems with goals and objectives.
Increased employee engagement: Our methodology ensures that employees understand the reasons behind changes, leading to greater engagement and buy-in.
Better adaptation to market changes: Our professional service enables organizations to quickly and effectively adapt to changes in the market and competitive landscape.
Improved customer satisfaction: Tomcat Orange will ensure that change management is effective in improving customer satisfaction, as changes are implemented in a structured and well-planned manner.
Enhanced reputation: Our experience shows that organizations that are able to effectively manage change are viewed as more capable, professional, and attractive to customers, partners, and investors.
Reduced risk: Our change management helps organizations to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with changes, reducing the likelihood of negative consequences.


Complete change management structure
DevOps change management
Agile and waterfall supported

Contact Tomcat Orange